Fort Bragg Club Starting Soon.


New member
Whats up fellow reefers!
Myself along with a few fellow local reefers and fresh tank guys all of who are veterans or active duty are going to start up a local club for fresh and saltwater aquatics. This does not of course mean that you have to be a military member. We want all fellow hobbyist from the area to be active. If you are anywhere in the area or would like to attend one of our up and coming meetings or Frag Swaps we are planning in the not so distant future let me know and we will stay in contact. We are in the process of setting up a group page on FB to organize everything and keep everyone in the know!

A little about me im Active Army for 18 years currently at Bragg and i shouldn't be leaving for a long time... at least 5+ years. Ive been into Large Fresh and Saltwater tanks for about 20 years. We hope to involve the nearby bigger communities that do have clubs and hopefully be that needed bridge for those commuting to and from Raleigh
