Forum Members who sell corals


New member
Not sure if there's a thread on this already didn't see one. Just bought some from another member and hoping to get more of a variety. Prices at the stores are pretty steep.
Also, not sure where you are located, but at the bottom of the forums list there is a local reef club section. Buying and selling is not restricted in local club forums, and generally you will find better, more local deals.
i am thinking that the admins have found that having 50 posts are beneficial to the group in general before folks are allowed to access the classified forums.

I am one of those who have to also add up to 50 -- OK. At least we know the rules.
Also, not sure where you are located, but at the bottom of the forums list there is a local reef club section. Buying and selling is not restricted in local club forums, and generally you will find better, more local deals.

Use those forums and get plugged into your local frag swaps.
When you click on "forums", scroll down to the bottom and you will see "reef club forums". Click on it, then select your region. From there, find the clubs near you and start getting to know the locals.
Up near the top of the page, you will see links that show where a thread is located. for example, this thread is on RC>Coral Forums>Coral Propagation and Aquaculture>Forum Members Who Sell Corals. That is showing you the subcategories that the thread is in, similar to scientific nomenclature for species ID.

You will see the link to start a new thread near the top left of the screen when viewing a forum, such as the New to the Hobby forum. Just keep in mind that the Moderators like to keep the site around PG to PG-13.