foxface advice!!!


New member
hello all so i have this foxface that he is every day in the same top part corner of the tank, he barely swims around, he is on a 75g and he is small maybe 2 and a half question is i have a yellowtaill pigmy angel that i think everytime the foxface comes to the rock work the pigmy is right there, like he doesn't bite him but he follows him like saying this is my yard and the foxface retreats again to his corner, pigmy does this on the whole tank but funny he doesn't do it to the clownfish, is there anything i can do to fix this? the foxface eats algae that i put on a clip so at least i know he is not starving or dying. do i have to remove the pigmy?(that's gonna be hard lol)
As long as the Foxface is eating, that's a good sign. Soon, the Foxface will get larger than the Angel and I suspect that problem will go away. My Foxface basically hangs out behind my rockwork and in caves - only comes out when I feed - even then, he is very skittish when I am in front of the tank.
Wait it out. The foxface will grow so fast he'll soon be too big for the angel to intimidate. And probably he'll be bored in a 75 gallon tank.
thanks for the responses, yeah i just feel that he just stays there the wholeeeeeeee day and he is already bigger than the pigmy, might try the mirror idea for the angel, maybe that will make him stop bullying the fox...also i know the fox get's bigger, hopefully by that time i'll have a much bigger tank.
Well after a couple of days of seeing my foxface just hanging out on the side of the tank i noticed he was on the same spot for wayyyy too long so when i closely inspected, foxy passed away...i really think it was the pigmy's doing, after this i'm probably gonna get bigger fish and a little more aggressive so this doesn't happen again.:angryfire::angryfire::mad:
An established pygmy angel in a 75 gallon tank can be a real problem. Once established and convinced the whole tank is his territory, it may be difficult to add fish, even dissimilar fish. If I were going to put a dwarf/pygmy angel in a 75 gallon tank, it would likely be the last, or close to last fish in the tank. Try to have a stocking plan and generally stock from least to most aggressive.
