Frag frag frag


New member
So aquaculture, i have a pretty decent collection of sps and lps....but like most of us it never is enough lol. I often go to my lfs and impulsively buy coral when all i had gone for was for a dam piece of media :debi:. Christmas is comming up and im gifting myself more coral :rollface: i want to purchace at least 30 40 new frags to grow out.... My lfs gave me some pretty high pricing, and after doing the off ( cough cough) lol.....i know i can find a better price online...anyone know a place that has good sps and lps selection at a reasonable price....not asking for cheap!!! Just reasonable
Get enough posts so you can access the classified section on here. Some really good deals. ptreef has some nice sps on there now, 18 frags for $260 shipped (hint hint). There are other with more high end stuff if that's what you want.
I would recommend craigslist, and legendarycorals, recently I've been buying all my coral from my LFS just because I feel like the sizes of the coral frags offered by my LFS are a way bigger and I don't have to pay for overnight shipping.
Get enough posts so you can access the classified section on here. Some really good deals. ptreef has some nice sps on there now, 18 frags for $260 shipped (hint hint). There are other with more high end stuff if that's what you want.

What is this classified section you speak of ? :fun4: