Frag/grow-out tank


New member
I'm thinking about setting up a second tank to house new corals to allow them to grow out a bit before going into the display, and to store any frags i may generate in the future. I'm looking for opinions from the community regarding whether to plumb it into my current system, or set it up as a stand-alone this point i am mostly zoo's and LPS. i've never kept SPS before, but that is the direction i am slowly moving in.

current system is a 220g w/55g sump, hydor performer 2005 skimmer, waveline dc10000ii return pump, TLF gfo reactor.

frag tank will be a 30 long, I should have everything needed to set it up as a separate system. I know that some advantages to plumbing it into the currents system would be the stability of the larger volume of water, water chemistry would also be identical so i could move fish and corals back and forth as necessary.

One big, and hopefully unlikely, disadvantage would be that in the event of a catastrophic failure, all would be lost.

Please share your thoughts on other pros/cons of either scenario...