Frag mushroom ?


New member
Is there a way to frag mushrooms? Have red mushrooms and hairy. Lost a few when i upgraded to a new tank so would love some more.

pretty shrooms..everytime i cut one off the rock ive managege to leave part of the foot an it grew back..i always cut mine in half, other people cut in 1/4 i like halfs better cut for 2 reasons . less stress an easier to keep track of.. hope that helps..

Lol, there is a thread about putting them in blenders and chopping them up to like 1/4" pieces and putting them in a tank by themselvs with a bottom full of rubble.

But, When I fraged mine I just cut then in 1/4's and made sure that part of the mouth was on each piece. But, if you can get them to move, they will usually leave behind a part of them and it will grow. I have a lot of mushrooms that I only had one of and I now have a min of 5 of each one.