Frag plug and growth


New member
looking at my tank I observed my Zoa's and realized that best initial growth has occurred with rock rubble frags vs man made. I am curious if anyone has an opinion/experience on what maybe the best frag plug.
I haven't seen much of a difference unless the plug isn't glued down. Plugs that move from time to time tend to keep the polyps on the plug only. I've had good growth from both plastic and ceramic plugs and even eggcrate frags
I agree that moving the frag around could be an issue. I was just wondering if the plug surface has has any affect on how the zoas mat can adhere and spread. I may try an experiment to appease my own curiosity.
I have found frags attach and grow very well on rubble live rock. Even better than a virgin frag plug imo. Could this be that the live rock has the bacteria and algae on it the polyps are used to attaching to? idk
Polyps attached to a nice purple chunk of rock vs a white plug are more appealing to my eyes anyways.
Remember, the less you move your polyps around, the more growth you will see. :idea:Get them comfortable and then leave them alone. People wonder why they dont see growth on their polyp frags, and they move them around on a daily basis!
Are you saying that if you get zoas on frag plugs already is it better to take them off and add them to rubble rock? Or that it is just better to do it in the first place?
I observed that they don't grow as good when the plug is coraline covered, the algae seemed to be agitating the polyps when I removed the algae the growth took off.
Are you saying that if you get zoas on frag plugs already is it better to take them off and add them to rubble rock? Or that it is just better to do it in the first place?