Frag Swap Tampa

Awesome!!!. Finally an event that is close by and not in Orlando. Stupid question... The event is called Frag swap, but I'm guessing you can also buy stuff here, not just trade. Right?
Yes. This will be my first of such events. I've been to the gun show many times, but never one for corals.
Silly question but are the corals sold at a huge discount to make up for the gas/entrance fee ? I live across the street but for $20 just to see it seems to me going to a local fellow reefer might be a better bet unless you are looking for designer ? So are the prices normally significantly lower ?
I doubt they are lower...but some dealers will have stuff not normally seen localy, and vise versa.
And i spend $20 in gas running from lfs to lfs here in the tsmpa / st pete area. So i dont mind the fees.
Yeah. You are right, I don't think I'm really going to buy any high end corals myself, mainly because I have no more room in my tank for corals.

This is just like when I go to the Gun Show, I just go to see what new things are out there, people watch and just to get the family out of the house for the day.
I went to Reefapalooza last year and I can tell you that towards the end of the day on Sunday, ALL of the sellers were making GREAT deals on their stuff. I'm not saying it will be the same at this event but it's possible.