frag swap virgin


New member
I have never been to a frag swap before. Do you bring your stuff to swap in a cooler and then the "club tank " is where you put it when you get there?
Member's Only in good standing (i.e. Paid up!) are Free to bring their Frags and Dry Good to the Club's Tank / Sale Area and whomever is "minding the store" for that shift, will accept orders on other member's behalf.

To eliminate any confusion, there will be no third party negotiations, so all items need to be priced out ahead of time and a Sheet submitted to the club so we can "hawk your wares". (Now, that's not to say that YOU can't haggle; we're just not going to do it on your behalf... wouldn’t' be right. It is after all, YOUR stuff. Right?)

Also, it helps your frags display better if they get them in the Club Tank the night before so the little fraggers can acclimate properly. Too many times, would-be Displayers bring their stuff in close to "Show time" and their stuff nevers pops open.

Good question though, Michelle!
I have never been to a frag swap before. Do you bring your stuff to swap in a cooler and then the "club tank " is where you put it when you get there?

Frag swaps are awesome. It's a great way to find new corals for your tank, and sell some things that you may not need or have an abundance of. I always come home with way more coral than I But it is good. Stock the tank up. It's coming at a great time for me since I am setting up a new tank and will be in need of coral.