Frag Swap - volunteers needed


Premium Member
Hi everyone,

Only a handful of volunteers signed up at the meeting to help out at the frag swap on Sunday. If you're interested in lending a hand, please contact me via email or PM and let me know how I can get in touch with you.

We can use help handling memberships, refreshments, overseeing raffle items, and breaking down / cleaning up at the end of the day.

I'll help setup and probably breakdown(as long as I don't have too many corals to bring home that didn't sell) I've got a lot of baggin to do in the morning though so don't know what time to wakeup/be there help setup what time would you want people there by?
I can help setup and breakdown/cleanup.

What time should we get there? Is their going to be food/drinks available?

Jeff, unfortunately I will be working on Sunday, however, I am off Saturday and could help the club with anything that needs to be done, let me know.
For all volunteers who are interested. Doors will be open and setup taking place beginning at 10am. See you there!