Frag tank and Zoa fragging.


New member
Going to use a 40b no overflow for a frag tank, was wondering if i can use like a hang on Filter (marine land emperor for example) add some live rock and some macro algae? (whats a good macro algae that looks good other than cheat that i can add) my question that needs to be answered: "IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH? HOB FILTER (MARINELAND EMPEROR) AND NO SKIMMER?

Zoe cutting, i was just thinking of just using softies but Zoa dominated in my frag tank once i have it set up.
Usually, I'm pretty new to fragging and i've fragged palys before and people have been telling me how they "melt"
From my experience, i cut the zoas with a blade and yes they do melt, but if the head survives i usually just super glue it into the frag plug/rock and then the head survives and it does well. For zoas, what the best way to frag them? Is it ok to cut it by the stalk and save the head? will it survive? Any tips? Tools that needs to be used?
Good luck. I would like to see pics of this

Here you go, took me a day to set it up. Grabbed a couple of Live rock, got this fake plant on the right, and got this algae of some sort (not sure) someone gave it to me for free on the left (it's tiny) i used pvc pipes as legs for the egg crates, then just used some Live rock and some dry rock to pin it down because the flow kept it moving, i just have 1 small 40 gal in tank filter, also i have an air stone in there for oxygen (will be adding 1 more air stone) i also have a sun sun small powerhead. :spin3:


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Going to use a 40b no overflow for a frag tank, was wondering if i can use like a hang on Filter (marine land emperor for example) add some live rock and some macro algae? (whats a good macro algae that looks good other than cheat that i can add) my question that needs to be answered: "IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH? HOB FILTER (MARINELAND EMPEROR) AND NO SKIMMER?

Zoe cutting, i was just thinking of just using softies but Zoa dominated in my frag tank once i have it set up.
Usually, I'm pretty new to fragging and i've fragged palys before and people have been telling me how they "melt"
From my experience, i cut the zoas with a blade and yes they do melt, but if the head survives i usually just super glue it into the frag plug/rock and then the head survives and it does well. For zoas, what the best way to frag them? Is it ok to cut it by the stalk and save the head? will it survive? Any tips? Tools that needs to be used?

On palys I try to get lowest to the base as well possible yes usually they deflate but in decent flow and low light usually start to come back out within an hour or two and zoas I try to cut everything off of the rock they seem to respond better for me.. Just my 2cents everyone has their own way of doing everything and their good and bad experiences with each technique