Frag tank

I just got a beautiful one from Advanced Acrylics

That's pretty cool that you actually received it, they're pretty notorious for either taking money and never sending anything or taking a year+ to ship, with tons and tons of lies in between. Several times the police have shown up at their place from people filing fraud complaints.
It really depends on why you want a frag tank and how much you want to spend. I don't keep my frag system in the living room, so looks weren't all that important to me. I picked up a 2' X 4' deep hydroponics tray and stand and threw an old sump and spare Tunze skimmer in below it. The return pump is a spare DC6000 I had lying about:

The light was from the hydroponics section in Amazon - that was the 6 X 48" T5HO ($133 daylight bulbs included/actinic and violet ordered separately) - I've put an 8 X 48" T5HO ($175 daylight bulbs included) in since for a shipment of Bali maricultured acros.

The Active Aqua 2x4 Tray Stand w/light Kit SKU:HGSFT24 (this includes the light hanger). Watch your shipping prices, and if it's too expensive to ship try to find one locally.

Look for the Active Aqua Premium White Flood Table 2\' x 4\' SKU:HGFTW24P (it's a deeper than normal flood table). The same goes for shipping with this one as well.

Purchased locally, mine was about $86 for the tray table and $167 for the stand, both of which I could have saved on going through Amazon, including shipping.

The rest was spare parts lying about.

Now, if you're in it to put in the living room, this might not appeal to most folks' general sense of aesthetics. Me, on the other hand...I live with one of those folks... In that case you'd probably want something made out of glass or acrylic.

At any rate, this is a great way of setting up a frag system for holding and moving out frags to family, friends, and neighbors...or in my case, pretty much the eastern side of the state. I swear my turquoise acro was eyeing one of the cats today...

What size are you looking for? My frag tank is a standard 20 long. Got it from petco during the $1/gallon sale. I plumbed it into my display sump. Any of the long or breeder tanks make good frag tanks.
here is my frag set up, with out lights.

It really depends on why you want a frag tank and how much you want to spend. I don't keep my frag system in the living room, so looks weren't all that important to me. I picked up a 2' X 4' deep hydroponics tray and stand and threw an old sump and spare Tunze skimmer in below it. The return pump is a spare DC6000 I had lying about:

The light was from the hydroponics section in Amazon - that was the 6 X 48" T5HO ($133 daylight bulbs included/actinic and violet ordered separately) - I've put an 8 X 48" T5HO ($175 daylight bulbs included) in since for a shipment of Bali maricultured acros.

The Active Aqua 2x4 Tray Stand w/light Kit SKU:HGSFT24 (this includes the light hanger). Watch your shipping prices, and if it's too expensive to ship try to find one locally.

Look for the Active Aqua Premium White Flood Table 2\' x 4\' SKU:HGFTW24P (it's a deeper than normal flood table). The same goes for shipping with this one as well.

Purchased locally, mine was about $86 for the tray table and $167 for the stand, both of which I could have saved on going through Amazon, including shipping.

The rest was spare parts lying about.

Now, if you're in it to put in the living room, this might not appeal to most folks' general sense of aesthetics. Me, on the other hand...I live with one of those folks... In that case you'd probably want something made out of glass or acrylic.

At any rate, this is a great way of setting up a frag system for holding and moving out frags to family, friends, and neighbors...or in my case, pretty much the eastern side of the state. I swear my turquoise acro was eyeing one of the cats today...


This is pure genius is what it is.....
I wish I could lay claim to the idea, but lots of folks have taken this approach. It's scalable as well, as I've seen these tables up to 4' X 8' in size. The price is pretty reasonable and if you run a central filtration system it's pretty easy to up-size if need be. Combine a handful of these with a bunch of pvc and a 150 gallon RubberMaid sump and you'd have a basic greenhouse setup, with the light bar to hang your violet tubes of choice to color up the coral. Add a large skimmer or two, a large algae turf scrubber and plumb in a carbon filter and you'd be all set (and have the basic setup for my 300...). You could even setup up an auto water exchange and topoff with a Litermeter III system (which just about doubles the overall cost of the entire system, but it does make maintenance much easier).

As a cautionary note - I do recommend that you keep whatever frag system you build plumbed separate from your display. I import coral from the Pacific Rim, and don't want to risk introducing something I don't want into the display. So, the frag system also serves as a quarantine of sorts for all of the new coral I bring in and distribute to the club. I do the standard prophylaxis treatments, but one can never be too cautious.

And I can vouch for how great it is to work in this system, too.

I agree with not plumbing it into the main system if possible, just to keep that extra caution of a new piece bringing something bad into both systems at the same time. I am upgrading from a tiny 8g frag tank to a 40b right now. partially due to being a living room set and size restrictions. That said I believe half the LFS use the hydro tray tanks as most if not all of their frag tanks and it works ell for them, most get black to cut down on algae growth and to make the frag stand out more(easier to see with the lights overhead as well with less reflection/refraction)

Now if your looking to go with a premade ready to go tank thats not too big a lot of locals here have been getting the JBJ frag tanks and seem very happy with them.
Depends on your intent. My tank is to grow out clippings from my display. Having them together does not introduce risk.
exactly, if you are never going to put a frag from a store or fellow reefer in there then it is actually better to plumb them together for volume and filtration. Most people at some point add frags from other sources, then it is risky.
exactly, if you are never going to put a frag from a store or fellow reefer in there then it is actually better to plumb them together for volume and filtration. Most people at some point add frags from other sources, then it is risky.

And lo! for there was a cry for an entity that could repel these daemons from besetting our most holy of holy, our most revered of revered sticks. And thus was born thine "quarantine tank".
sure if your going to run a qt tank for fish, qt for coral, frag for coral tied into the DT....*most people dont run a coral frag tank & a coral QT tank. While you could use one qt tank for fish and coral if you have to treat the fish with something not good for coral then you would have to pull them early and again, increase risk.
....if the Only purpose is to grow out cuttings that came from the DT, or you have another system set up as QT, then the separation is not necessary.

*most being your average small hobbyist, not someone we know runs with multiple systems set up. IMO