Fragging a mushroom with a large stem


New member
I've seen the method of cutting in 4ths or even 8ths if big enough, but the mushroom I'd like to frag has almost a 1" stem on it. What do I do with the stem? If I snip the mushroom off right at the top of the stem, will a new mushroom grow back there or will the stem just die? Thanks for your help.

Oops, I should have posted this in the Corallimorphs section. Moderators, I apologize.
if the stem is really 1 inch as long as the shroom crown is adult sized I would snip it about 3/4 from the foot. If you cut to close to the crown the shroom may live but will have a hell of time trying to get going agian. you cut to low on the stem it's better for the crown but then you risk killing the "foot" although it is very hard to kill but it can be done
I recently chopped a couple of mushrooms to bits, and sliced the foot, leaving it attached to a rock.

All the 1/4s of mushrooms healed and became whole after about 10-14 days, the foot looked like it was dying but I left it there for 3 or so weeks and its grwn a new tiny head.