Frags for Frag Swap


New member

I've got a bunch of loose pink-green ORA looking Pocillapora Damicornis frags and a bunch of pink Kenya Tree frags as well. Does anyone have any interest in them for $5 a frag? I'm happy to bring them to the swap, however I won't have a table, so I would be carrying them around until you come and get them. Otherwise you're welcome to come by and pick them up and any other frags of stuff I've got in my tank. I'm located in Boca Raton.

Link from last sale with some other softies and caps and such:

Thanks :)
Kenya tree frags are about an inch to two inches long, most are 1 branch.

So now I've got frags for:
one of each for prsouthfl
one kenya tree for Derrell
one kenya tree for Pete

Guys, please call me at 561-632-2076 when you're at the swap to arrange a meeting. I should be there towards the beginning of the swap.

If anyone wants a HUGE piece I'm willing to frag the mother colony because it's so damn big. It'll be about 5x4x4 and drops off new colonies a few times a month. $50. Liveaquaria sells that size for $58 excluding shipping, and this one you know is healthy and is already spawning. That would have to be picked up from my house. Lemme know.


So now I've got frags for:
one of each for prsouthfl
one of each for Derrell, including cabbage
one kenya tree for Pete
one of each for illal

I've got the cabbage leather as well. It's been doing well in the nano despite the algae problem, so it's been growing and I can make frags of it no problem.
Eric hook me up with a Kenya tree... know what I look like but just in case I will be wearing a black UFC shirt!
Eric, I think in the main Swap page Chris said there are still open tables. Why dont you just get a half-table so you don't have to walk around with bags?
Cause I wanna walk around and shop! Idk. It feels "commercial" when you have a table. I'm too underground for that :p Fortunatly I've recently gotten a giant styrafoam box that I can put an cooler pack in the bottom and it'll last for hours upon hours in the car, in the swap, wherever.

Mel, I'll put you down for a Kenya Tree, and I remember what you look like, no worries.

carlosngloria I do not have any purple mushrooms that I could take out for you. There are two or three, but they're all tucked into little crevices in the LR and I wouldn't be able to get them out without cutting them up. Sorry dude.
one of each for prsouthfl
one of each for Derrell, including cabbage
one kenya tree for Pete
one of each for illal
One Cabbage Leather for TriGeek

I'll bring a few frags of UF Montipora too for those who want it. $10 for an inch(ish) frag (it'll probably be larger than an inch)

I've sent an email to Chris to get half a table. I'll be bringing some other frags too, and I'm waiting to hear back from Eddie about if/what he wants me to bring.

I'll be there at 11, doors open at noon. I'll be wearing my blue PETA shirt.

See ya'll there!