Frags for sale.. time to trim once again


New member
Sometimes these things grow so fast, I cant keep track of them

Here is what I have for sale
Green millepora $30
yellow millepora $30
yellow mille with green polyps $25
Bali green slimer $20
Orange montipora digitata $10-15
Orange monitpora cap 10-15
green monti cap 10-15
green pocillopora ( spawns in tank )$20
Pink birdsnest, bright pink $20
acropora hyacinthus table $25 ( yellow pink )
Indochina blue stag $40-50
aropora microthalma $15
electric green birdsnest $30

PM me or call me at 949-933-3048 I will be around all weekend.

PM sent a week ago don't know if you got it or not...

PM sent a week ago don't know if you got it or not...


I sent you a PM last week. Didn't here from you yet. Email me if you still got some to sell.

I'm interested and would like some pictures of frags if possible, if not, I'd like to drop by and see what you got left.

thanks a bunch,
TN work email... i check this religiously =)
Thanks again for the awesome frags and you have a awesome tank, the blue stag looks great and everything opened up nicely.