Frags for the February FMAS Auction


Premium Member
FMAS is trying a new auction format. January was the first month and the auction seemed to go pretty good. Anyone can (and is encouraged to) bring frags from their tank. Please bring the frags in water tight (fish bags preferably) bags that will not leak. The frags will be auctioned off and their will be a 50/50 split (you may donate 100% to the club if you would like) between the club and the member who brings the frag. This is a great way to help the club raise money, earn a little funds yourself (credit for the frags you buy in the auction if you wish), and spread some great frags to other tanks. The first few months will be especially important until the members are "trained" to bring frags every month. I started this thread to explain how the auction works and so everyone can post pictures/lists of what they will be bringing on February 23rd. Here is my list...

blue polyped encrusting monti

bali giant xenia

montipora spongoides

superman montipora

miagi tort (Acropora austera)

Large bags of cheato :)
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Is there a set day of the week the meets are going to be? the 23rd is a Thurs and the last meeting was a wed...just wondering...
HMM, I messed up! The meeting is Tuesday, Febreuary 28th! The meetings are uasually held on the fourth Tuesday of the Month. I looked at the wrong T (Thursday) on the calendar.
I am going to bring a Queen Angel, a hippo tang and I am sure I'll find a few other things. I will try and get pics soon.
Hey guys,

I'll be taking some Bright orange Montipora digitata the one that has the green base under high lights.
A couple Purple M. digitata

And some zoanthids etc.

Hope to see you all there, and lets get fraggin guys!!

Anyone interested in a candelabra gorgonian frag? I have a colony that is outgroing the tank and crashing into my other corals(It's about a cubed foot). I'm not really sure how to frag it, so if anyone out there knows, please pm me the info, or maybe you could stop by and hack away at it. Once it's fragged I would be more than glad to take it to the auction, and donate some to our tank, there's more than enough to go around.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6736050#post6736050 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Juan-Carlos
Hey guys,

I'll be taking some Bright orange Montipora digitata the one that has the green base under high lights.
A couple Purple M. digitata

And some zoanthids etc.

Hope to see you all there, and lets get fraggin guys!!


Man, You're coming to the next meeting? It's been so long that I've seen you I forgot what you look like :D

Sounds like it's going to be a great meeting!
LOL Matt, yeah tell me about it man... I've been busy as heck lately!!
But indeed, I will be making an apearance ;) Hopefully more of a reocuring thing too LOL!

See you all there, everyone bring lots of frags, this helps the club a lot and give other members a chance to get some cool aquacultured stuff for their tanks!!


i might come.. any one need the tiny nassarius obsoleta snails (1/2-3/4") ? i ordered 175 because it was $3 more than 75... figured i could make back that $3 easy getting rid of the extras i dont need...
Chris is talking about calcium reactors and Herman is discussing plumbing 101 (ways to reduce the loss of flow and head pressure).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6744659#post6744659 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bullredchaser
Chris is talking about calcium reactors and Herman is discussing plumbing 101 (ways to reduce the loss of flow and head pressure).

That sounds really interesting!!!
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hey cris I have a Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish really nice that i will remove from my tank can I leave this fish in the school tank? or if anyone want this guy is free to anyone......

here hi is on top the naso tang