Frags for the February FMAS Auction

I like the damsel, but I think we have decided not to put damsels in the school tank. We have a few other smaller tanks at the school that he might be good in.
Thanks cubano2480 for the damsel,we have a 30 gal aquarium in one of the class rooms that we can put him in. It's becoming a nice home for damsels.
How about a nice sized cinnamon clown, very docile, doesn't bother anyone... If I can get him out I'd gladly donate him to the raffle and if no one bites, er, buys, I'd donate him to the school tank. I don't want to bring him just for the raffle only to take him home again, or if anyone wants him earlier.
Ludwigia if the cinnamon clown doesn't sell we can put it in the 75 we just put up in the front office.It has a rose BTA he will be happy to host in.