

New member
this may be a little off topic from the "Norm" but we all go ga ga (not the trashy one LOL) over a 1 2, maybe even 3 polyp frags of the newest hottest zoa. I bought a colony of tubbs blues, normally kind of boring, but to my surprise there are some nuke greens mixed in. I mean i think its stunning. Your actually looking at 50 polyps (and not a frag plug with a tiny speck that you have to explain what it is) that are blue, and then spread through out that, this lime green peaks through. It actually made me step back and ENJOY this, for a split second i wasn't worried about my purple hornets melting or why prices are so high. I felt it was very relieving, and i'm just curious anyone else have this "hidden gem" discovery? Or just that Relieved feeling recently?

I got one of my first frags as a mixed colony of Zoas. I bought them 'cause they looked pretty.

Someone told me I have some "sunny-D's" in there. I dont know...they just look good to me. Thats all that matters, right?

BTW.... $10

You can see the growth since the old picture here on the lower-left rock.:celeb1:
