Tank: 60gal cube(24x24x24)
Sump/refugium: Acrylic eshoppe Refugium combo. approx 20gal water volume. This houses some live sand and my cheato.
Liverock: Approx 60lbs
Livesand: 40lbs
Lighting: Radion Gen3 30rw with reeflink.
Powerheads: (1)WP25 & (1)RW8
Return: I forget the name and don't want to drag it out but it's approx 650gph.
Skimmer: PSK150(just ordered an SRO1000INT)
Heaters: (2)Eheim 150watt
Top Off: Done manually nightly. Approx 3/4gallon.
Fish: 2 Black percs, 2 Cardinals, 1 Clown wrasse, 1 Royal Gamma, 1 Lawnmower Blenny
Feeding: Normally, I feed a mix of LRS Fish frenzy, Frozen Mysis, and occasional Reef Roids. My skimmer has been acting up lately and I've cut back the heavy feeding and will return to it when new skimmer arrives.
Corals: Mixed Reef. Mostly Zoas and softies. Working on adding SPS but I haven't been able to narrow down an issue that has caused me to lose just about every frag that has entered. I end up with STN on everything. Working on watching stability.
I will link my lighting schedule as well but for now: My lights turn on at 7:30a and slowly ramp up to 17k@55%. It then stays there until 6p where it turns 20k@55% and ramps down to moonlights at 10:50p.
Testing my tank nightly now and as of last night:
SG: 1.025
Phosphates: .03ppm@4/15
I'm picking up a mag test today.
Tank shots will be in the following post.
Sump/refugium: Acrylic eshoppe Refugium combo. approx 20gal water volume. This houses some live sand and my cheato.
Liverock: Approx 60lbs
Livesand: 40lbs
Lighting: Radion Gen3 30rw with reeflink.
Powerheads: (1)WP25 & (1)RW8
Return: I forget the name and don't want to drag it out but it's approx 650gph.
Skimmer: PSK150(just ordered an SRO1000INT)
Heaters: (2)Eheim 150watt
Top Off: Done manually nightly. Approx 3/4gallon.
Fish: 2 Black percs, 2 Cardinals, 1 Clown wrasse, 1 Royal Gamma, 1 Lawnmower Blenny
Feeding: Normally, I feed a mix of LRS Fish frenzy, Frozen Mysis, and occasional Reef Roids. My skimmer has been acting up lately and I've cut back the heavy feeding and will return to it when new skimmer arrives.
Corals: Mixed Reef. Mostly Zoas and softies. Working on adding SPS but I haven't been able to narrow down an issue that has caused me to lose just about every frag that has entered. I end up with STN on everything. Working on watching stability.
I will link my lighting schedule as well but for now: My lights turn on at 7:30a and slowly ramp up to 17k@55%. It then stays there until 6p where it turns 20k@55% and ramps down to moonlights at 10:50p.
Testing my tank nightly now and as of last night:
SG: 1.025
Phosphates: .03ppm@4/15
I'm picking up a mag test today.
Tank shots will be in the following post.