$%^#%$%%#$ Freakin flatworms


New member
Do AEFW like particular acros (and leave others alone)? I've noticed that my validas and nanas have been losing color and splotchy. I posted pics a few weeks ago, but now have some proof of flatworms (pulled one off of the rtn'ing colony-about 1/8" elliptical). I fragged the rtn'ing valida colony and have it and the nana's in a small container (6 cup) with four drops of FWE and a drop of Iodine. Will this do the trick? Do I need to seek out a full tank solution? Haven't noticed issues on anything else, yet...
They love tricolors and samoensis. If you see a coral that you think is infected just hit it with a turkey baster and alot of the fw will come off. Make sure you have some wrasses to eat them when they fall off. If not they will just find another host. If you do this on a routine you should not loose any corals.
Thanks Chris. I may completely lose the garf 'bonsai' colony. I fragged it up and soaked them in the four drops of FWE and drop of Iodine. I threw in the nanas and validas (I think the 'bonsai' is a valida) and there were tons of FW's in the bottom. These are a bit worse than planaria (red flat worms), right:(?. I have been thinking about a wrasse pair, so now may be the time. The mandarin might help some, but she seems to find tons of other things to eat (being the sausage she is). I'll keep a close eye on everything else. Dagnabit...
Yes they are worse than the regular brown/red type in that they eat acros and are so hard to see......... allmost impossible to completely get rid of too:( A wrasse pair might be in order but I would do some looking around to see what types people have succes with. What type/types do you have Algaeman?
I left the FW's in the 4 cup tupperware (4 not 6, but with about 3-3.5 cups of tank water) and the six drops of FWE and drop of Iodine and 95% of them appeared to be dead after an hour and a half (curled up and not attached to the tupperware). Sounds like maintaining the population is the best bet... I'll start swishing on a regular basis until I figure out somethign else to do. I read to watch the mille-esque acros, but all of mine look fine right now. Good googity...
Although I have had no experiance in this area myself, Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure (a coral dip) has been reported to kill AEFW, but not the eggs.

Can it be used as a whole tank treatment, or just a piece treatment? I'm hoping a fish solution will be the answer...
No iodine can't be used as a whole tank treatment. Most of the current answers as far as AEF's and treatment go are in those two threads I posted.
I've noticed my efflo and soli are both splotchy... As a double whammy, the greenest thing I have, a Pocillipora from commiphora, is over half dead today, too, as well as a pink Pocillopora I got from Mel... I saw my rabbitfish munching on the green Pocillopora. This is very discouraging... I guess when it rains, it pours. Just got to find an umbrella, I guess...
Good luck Gary. I really hate to hear about all the bad luck:(
Your tank move will present a good oppourtunity to dip/treat everything though.
It looks like there has been some relief from FWE at extra dosage. I may try a 1.5X on the tank to keep them at bay in the meantime. That certainly explains why my efflo has lost all color. It started about four months ago (thought it was the lighting change to DE's and the relocation of the coral), but the green polyped valida didn't start showing signs until about three months ago (thought it was the Alk problems...). Oh well, won't be the end of the world. I hate losing the 'bonsai', though. I'm starting to wonder if the cerealis is being attacked, too. It lost color and has been under the DE's since the beginning. It's not splotchy yet, but I'll keep looking...
Eccckkkcellent. It had become one of my favorites until it started becoming lunch. I'm going to devise a plan when I get back with the 180.
I've started bastering my acros to remove the flatworms daily. Don't know if that is helping, but... I did notice my purple tang gobble a few down and not spit them back out... They were free floating, though. The cleaner wrasse kept swimming near them, but wouldn't take a bite. Just a few interesting tidbits I noticed...