Free 150G sump


I am getting rid of my 150G sump because it is too tall and I have no working clearance underneath it. It is 4' long, 2' wide, and 31" tall.

The sump has 15 holes drilled in it, including 3 in the bottom. I used the holes in the bottom to facilitate water changes.

The sump also has 3 baffles.

The sump does have one chip in it. It's on one of the corners, but it does not leak. If not for this inperfection, I would be selling the sump instead of giving it away.

Below is a picture of it when it was new. It is two years old now. It was built buy and cost me about $900, IIRC.

It weighs a about 400 pounds.

I intend to take it our of service next Saturday, 4/14/06. It would be available for you to pick up after that.

You must provide the muscle to lift it and haul it off. It's a four man job. Two of those four need to be pretty beefy guys.

Bulkheads are not included.



PM me with your phone number.

Let's be thinking about doing this next Saturday morning on 4/16.

How's your hand?

BTW ... i didn't even get to the next street, whent he sump slid around, and hit the tool box ... took a nice chumk out of the edge - but still intact.

Hand's okay. Had to re-glue it one more time, but I managed to get the new sump up and running. I definately could have been worse. Talk about your untimely injuries!

I hope my old sump works our well for you. But if not, at least you didn't pay too much for it ;)
