FREE bubble coral (project)


New member
We have a dying bubble coral, and really dont think we have means to save it. It does inflate a bit and there are some sweepers out as I type this, so it is still holding on to life. Would rather give it to someone who thinks they can save it rather than just throw it out; especially since it obviously still has some life in it. Included a pic now (just taken minutes ago) and one when we first got it. It's downfall started after we had a goniopora die in the tank and wiped out most of our stuff; so at least I know the reason for it's demise. Local pickup in the Lancaster area; can also meet at TFP.


About a week or so ago:
I'll take it if it's still partially alive. I have a 70g cube reef tank, with some SPS, polyps and an anemone all doing well. I'm in Honey Brook, just down the road from Lancaster.
Thanks, but I think he wants to try to nurse it back now... got some advice from some fellow reefers that he's going to try; LOL he really doesn't want to lose this coral. I'll let you know if he changes his mind!
looks in pretty bad condition. Have you figured out what is bothering it?
I would not think that a goni dying would cause it to deflate like this. Sounds like something else.

Maybe an Euclid (spelling?) worm.
it was the goniopora. we already pulled every rock and every coral and dipped everything prior to this happening with nothing new added in between. We lost almost half our tank when the goni died; they release some major toxins that can easily nuke an entire tank if not taken care of quick enough.