free green zoos


In Memoriam
Come pick them up ASAP!!! All I ask is that you bring me a piece of liverock to replace it. about 5 lbs. I live in weston.

954 547 9878

Mel I've still got your piece.

this is the mother colony...but it's about 100 zoos maybe more. rock is about 6" x 12" x 3" I'm redoing my rockwork and already have enough of these green zoos!
zoos are gone...I've got a couple smaller rocks with like 10 zoos each if someone is still interested. I only ask for a rock in replacement.

I've got plenty of rock to swap out. Let me know how big a peice you would need for the frag that's left.
Dude...It's like mission impossible.
I work in Kendall and live in Miami Shores.
You work in Miami Shores and Live in Kendal.

I have not forgotten you and will not do you dirt!!!
you're right are like passing ships...i know you wont do me dirt mel, just giving you a hard time.

I may be setting up a tank in my we'll have to chat!