Free livestock for first come, first serve


Reef Guru
Whoever can come get this livestock Saturday morning, can have it all for free. I am breaking down my frag tank, and need some of this stuff gone.

You have to take all of it (no parting out), and you get:

8" Red Tree Sponge
8" Purple Sea Fan
5" Red Sea Fan
Green Chalice
Red/Maroon Monti Cap 4"x3"
Several Assorted Zoanthid Frags
Red/Green Bubble Tip Anemone from LiveAquaria
Tomato? Clownfish that is hosting in the Anemone

You have to pick it up before lunchtime on (tomorrow) Saturday if you claim it.
Got Frags?

8" Red Tree Sponge
8" Purple Sea Fan
5" Red Sea Fan
Green Chalice
Red/Green Bubble Tip Anemone from LiveAquaria
I decided to break down my frag tank because I just don't want to do maintenance on 2 tanks. I just want to focus on my main tank. I did not want to take the time to part out and sell the livestock which is a hassle. Plus, I have never really been in this hobby to make money and I like the spread the wealth around and help out others. I hope someone can give me a frag or two down the road without trying to make money off me. I feel like I have given away a lot of stuff over the years and hope to continue. Maybe good will come back to me one day.....ha
(That's not an answer.)

So everything is gone, right? Talk plainly son; I'm not that smart....:hmm4:

I'm not sure what you are asking. I offered the whole lot to one person. Cody came and got it. If you read my first post, it says you have to take it all, no parting out. What's your question? Lol
Look... Don't confuse me with the facts...

It was the "....and need some of this stuff gone", that threw me.

Oh well, better luck next time when I'm paying attention. LOL!

Not only that, but Cody will take better care of it!!!!