Free Red Devil to suitable home


New member
Hi, my name is Sal I am a new salt water tank enthusiast. I converted my 70g freshwater to salt a little over 2 months ago and a 40 g as well where I have a mantis shrimp. I still have a few fresh water tanks for now. I have several oscars, green terrors, and a breeding pair of wolf cichlids.

I know this is a salt water forum, but I figured maybe there are those of you with freshwater tanks as well. I have a 7 inch red devil which I have had for about a year now, but he is getting too aggressive for my other fish. I hate having to get rid of him since I have had other red devils with no problem, but this one won't leave the oscars alone. I am willing to give him away to a suitable home. Local Pick-up only please.
Don't worry, I am sure you will find a good home for your Red Devil. There are plenty of members here that have fresh and salt water tanks.

Also, I welcome you to join us more often here on our small club. We have great members that are extremely knowledgable, more importantly we help each other quite a bit. We are also having a pot luck and vegan meeting (just kidding on the vegan meeting! club meeting) on the first weekend of dec at The Coral Reef.

We would love to have you there. If you have friends that are in the salt water hobby, bring them over. Once again, welcome to STARS and to RC!
Erik--here we go again. Taking over another new members thread! Well I am not vegan either and just wondering who is bring the MEAT and potatoes yo! Pigs in a blanket are half meat and half vegan. Just throwing it out there.
Sorry Saldebo, that was very rude of me, Welcome to the club. If you have any questions feel free to ask any questions.

Do you have any pics of your tanks?
What got you into saltwater?
To Reef Central and STARS!!



somthing mean enough to pick on oscars must be a mean bugger! no longer have fresh water but i hope you have good luck finding a good home. the new avatar!!
Thanks guys. I have been wanting a salt water tank for a while, I rearranged my tanks and I ended up with an empty one so I decided to finally just convert it. I have been moving around the red devil from tank to tank but I guess he hit puberty and doesn't get alone with anyone lol.