Free to good home

Dawn II

Premium Member
"Nemo Ghiradelli" is his name ( Amphiprion Ocellaris) or false percula. Bought him as a wee clown almost 2 years ago- he has had a relationship with my large squamosa clam since the beginning. About 2 months ago, we had a rock come loose, and as we repaired it- he started going at rings on fingers. This, over time, escallated into biting hands and arms. He is now in the QT tank- I put him there Sat. nite- where he is sweet and peaceful again. :)
how big is it. I wonder if my two damsels would pick on it if i put him in my 37 gal. It only has the two fish. on second thought, I can move them to the 150 and he would be only fish in tank, and I could get him a mate. I would love to take it.
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