Free Zoos,shrooms, Plating monti, cleaners, Liverock etc


New member
Hi ladies, Gents.

Due to some drastic downsizing on my reeftank, I have a lot of zoos (orange, green, pink etc) and disc anemones (watermelon, fluorescent hairy and red), green hammer coral and also some good Orange Plating Monti frags (1 reserved for Jeff) all going free to a/many good home/s. Also hve a couple of spare clams that have been with me for a few years (as has all this stuff, nothing is less than 2 years in the tank).

In addition I have a load of liverock a few cleaners (cukes, hermits, snails etc) and a pair of Ocellaris clowns that spawn regularly.

All are free to good homes if anyone wants them. Would prefer Tokyo Collection/shipping on the LR, will ship chakubarai on the corals to anywhere if anyone is interested.

Looking to get rid of the whole lot in short order.

PM me if interested. If someone wants the lot in one go, I'd be very happy!!!

Off to an onsen tomorrow for some much needed post Christmas detox so will not get around to replying to pms until later in the evening.


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Hey Jeff, you wanna just get everything, and we can distribute when it gets here, we can split the cost accordingly.... I've been waiting on the green Hammer, and never seem to get a hold of it. But the shrooms and disc's would be a good first addition to my tank.....
Yeah we can do that. Hopefully hot4teacher pops up in this thread. He lives in the area and might be interested is some goodies as well.

Matt, As Teto suggested, if you can send everything to me and I can distribute it to the folks here if you want. I do have to ask though, Why get rid of everything?
Evening Gents.

Thanks for the replies.

Jeff can you pm me your address again please? I recently emptied my PM folder.

To those who have pm'd me, I think you are all in touch with each other so can I leave it to you all to sort out who gets what?

Jeff, appreciate your concern. I'm not getting rid of everything though. The small tank has a carpet anemone in it (been with me for 3 years now) along with a pair of clowns and 2 damsels. There are also frags of all my favourite zoos and shrooms and all are growing very well. Just on a much smaller scale. Some of the pieces I have (the plating monti/ a whole big piece of live rock covered in metallic green palys) wouldn't even fit in this tank.

I just don't have as much time as I used to. Work is busier and busier and 3 children take up most of my spare time. We are also going to be going on another posting at the end of this year/beginning of next, so now is a good time to start thinning things out.

When would you be able to receive the shipment? I'd plan to send overnight to Okinawa.


If you can hold off another couple weeks, Das will have a new frag tank up and running. If not, Receiving the shipment next monday would be good for me as I am home all day and can do a transfer into a holding tank or something. I will PM my address again to you. Also, Thanks so much for holding onto the monti frag for me. My tank building has been going slow lately since I am tossing the idea around of just building a big glass tank instead of setting up the 75. 15ogl -180gl is just so much more tempting. I just need to price out the glass now.
Yeah, I have been looking forward to seeing all the goodies as well. Vest, About that green hammer... Teto called dibs on that one according to the 3rd post on this thread... That and he called me a few days ago to ask me to hold it for him. There are lots of other goodies as well though.
Oh Man! That's what I get for not having Internet at home and not checking RC at work!

I could have banked on this!

Anything left Matt?

The male clown has gone to clown hevean. :(

From my understanding, he wasnt doing so hot when Jeff got him, but Jeff kinda brought him back to life, He was fine when I got him home last night, and after his battle in my tank, but I just came home and hes a gonner. He wasnt doing so hot this morning either. Ate I thought he woudl be ok. No such luck :(