Fresh made salt water how long before use


Active member
Okay for the longest time i've been making my salt water and using it right afther its mixed. I have heard the I should let the water sit for a day or two before use. Is there a benifit to doing this or is it just a myth? Any help would be appreciated.
yeah all already do that but I heard some where that freshly made salt water is hard and can hurt corals. Just wanted to know what people do or if they use it once its mixed.
I wait at least overnight and preferably 24 hours. Most of the time mine will aerate for a week or two just because I like to keep some mixed up all the time.

i've waited as little as an hour. However, i've got a small tank without some of the high dollar frags that some have. I suppose when I get the other tank fully stocked it would be worth it to wait overnight to avoid any stn/rtn issues.
80% of the time, I just mix (25-30 minutes) and pour even with a slight difference (+/- 2 F) in water temperature.

I noticed that the SPS slime up a bit due to the detritus, but everything's been doing fine. I wouldn't suggest anyone do it, I'm just rather pressed for time most of the time :D
they let it rest for atleast 24 hours for the PH amongst everything else to stabalize. I used to mix and sit for 3 hours then add, now i let it sit for 24 hours.
I wait about 2 hours, but I think if you use it immediately after being completely disolved with a powerhead, which usually takes about 2 hours depending on the amount of salt, you should be able to use it (thatÃ"šÃ‚´s how I do it)
I think the ratio of water already in the system to new water matters.

Putting 5 gallons freshly made water in the sump of my 200 gallon system never seems to bother anything. But I would never put a fish or coral into 100% freshly made water until 48 hours.
I let mine sit overnight, maybe 8-10 hours before use. But I have used salt mixed up in less than an hour without any real problems. I think that as long as the salt is fully mixed, the same temp, and salinity you should be ok. Mostly you want to make sure that the pH is not out of wack with the new salt if it is freshly mixed.
cool well i think this will clear thing up for me. The only reason I asked was I can seem to figure out why 50% of my acros are brown and the others are colored. I read somewhere that using freshly made water is to hard for the inhabitants in the tanks. Well iam off to change my water. Once again thanks all.