fresh water dip?


New member
i have a couple acros showing signs of aefw. nobody within 100 miles has tropic marin pro coral cure and i dont have access to lev. sooooo....

how do i go about applying a fresh water dip? how long, what should i look for in the coral, how successful is it, anything else i should know?

i dont want to do this but im not sure what other options i have. besides tmpcc and lev what other options do i have?
There are many sites on the internet to get those products...... I got my coral cure from out of state supplier that way.
If I remember right I did if for 5 minutes and had no problems. I had to frag some of them because the eggs, most have recovered but a few are now brown
My understanding is that TMPCC is nothing more than pH stabilized lugals dip, although I could be wrong. If you can find another lugals dip at least temporarily it would probably work better and be safer than a FW dip. I recommend Warner Marines Lugals plus which also claims to be pH stabilized. Since some of it is Iodide and not Iodine I would probably do a slightly stronger dose though.

Are you sure you have AEFW? Acros do RTN or STN.

Best Wishes,
Barry Katz