New member
I know that this is a saltwater forum, but my question kinda has to do with saltwater. I know that Nannochloropsis and Isochrysis are high in DHA and EPA respectively, and Tetraselmis is a good food for copepods due to a high lipid level (I don't know what exactly it's rich in). I know that the typical pattern for breeding "regular" fish like clowns is rotifers->artemia. Said rotifers are usually gut loaded with Iso and Nanno prior to feeding. So... can Nanno and Iso be converted to freshwater? I'm thinking about working with Danio tinwini and Microdevario kubotai in the future, and am thinking of potential first foods; I somehow don't think that microworms and IBBS is going to work for fish that are mature at less than an inch. I also don't really want to just rely on the aufwuch slime on driftwood and leaves for food, and rotifers seem like a good first food as well.
Also, would I be able to feed cryopaste of saltwater Nanno and Iso to freshwater rotifers? I just found some on brineshrimpdirect, and it seems a whole lot easier to just feed that to the rotifer cultures than to culture live freshwater Iso and Nanno.
Also, would I be able to feed cryopaste of saltwater Nanno and Iso to freshwater rotifers? I just found some on brineshrimpdirect, and it seems a whole lot easier to just feed that to the rotifer cultures than to culture live freshwater Iso and Nanno.