Friend wants to do mushroom tank. 75w pc 30g


New member
My friend has a tank set up for about 3 months now or longer. And he wishes to add mushrooms to his tanks. But is 75w pcs enough for them? Its a 30g half moon tank by odyssea. He wants to add some blood red/fire red mushrooms? Don't know the name but he wants the really bright or intense red ones. And also some other colorful ones. And possibly some ricordias. Will this light be enough? I would also like a list of easy mushroom corals. Thanks
I keep mushrooms and rics fine under pc lighting. Mine is only a nano though at 13 gallons. I think he should be ok.
I think it will be okay; I am assuming the tank isn't suer deep or anything. Most mushrooms will do okay under moderate to high lighting, but they generally do okay under low light as well if the situation presents itself that way. The super colorful expensive mushrooms MAY lose some color under lighting that it too weak though.
I think most if not all mushrooms are easy to keep - I have yet to get one that was "hard" to keep alive.
The lighting should be enough for most shrooms. Some shrooms such as the F. Ricordea require bright lights in order to thrive and maintain the bright colors.
i have to keep all my florida ricordia and yuma down low because they like shaded area and low light better. I keep them under 5 54watt t5 lights and they will stay real small under t5's if there higher in tank the only way to get them to open up is at bottom of tank. So mushroom and ricordia and yuma's will do fine in low to moderate lighting.