Friendly reminder - QT is your friend

Northside Reef

Premium Member
I got this guy from a local reefer, and he sure looked fine in his tank before we chased him around and finally nabbed him. He is eating fine and generally looks healthy. Once he is clear he goes in the clown tank.

Beautiful fish. Cant wait to get mine. Waiting for my tank to mature a little and then im picking up one of these next. Got the QT tank waiting for it. Thanks for the photos.
Nice pickup! CB Angel is probably the only Centropyge I've owned where I've yet to have one nip at my corals.
I actually can't wait to stick the first fish in the QT tank, for now I just get to stalk the forums for some fish geekery.
Nice pickup! CB Angel is probably the only Centropyge I've owned where I've yet to have one nip at my corals.

Interesting! I've only had a Coral Beauty once and he/she was a horror!

I must confess that while I do QT new fish from the LFS, those from fellow reefers go straight into the DT.
such simple advice and one that is so often not followed....everything should go thru qt...regardless of where it comes of luck, she is beautiful!