Frilly mushroom question


New member
I'm hosting a buddies corals while his tank cycles and matures. He placed a frag with 4 polyps of a frilly green mushroom in there about a month ago and it has done wonderfully. The past couple of days it has one large polyp that is holding its mouth open, but not expelling its guts nor visible waste. Today you can see the rock below where the mouth use to be and it appears to be stretching outwards from that spot. My question is; is it splitting?

I've never kept many mushrooms personally. Mine usually dropped baby polyps in the past but different species all together. I just don't want to be responsible for killing one of his corals and not reacting to a situation. Its placed on the sand bed on the outer corner of a 4' fixture in a 5' tank. param's below;

T-5 - 10x54w
NO2 & NH4 - 0
NO3 - 1
Alk - 8
CA - 425
MG - 1100 (I know it's a tad low)
PO4 - 0.04 (Hanna)

Thanks for your assistace.
Does anyone have a photo of one actually in the process of splitting? I'm having issues with my camera trying to get a clear photo of it. Just nervous about it.