From this to this LOL


The OG mad scientist
I guess freggin was unavoidable:mad2:
I gave this colonu a fighting chance since I got it form another setup but progressively got worse and warse so finally I had to do it, IT HURTS LOL
Well good luck I hope it grows out nicely for you. Too bad you had to frag it though. Looks kinda neat the way you have 'em on the plug, kinda looks like a bad hair day LOL.
Is that a birdsnest? if it is, I had the same happening to me a while back with a huge colony I had, thankfully I had accidentally knock out some pieces while doing maintenance and I had put the little frags in different places of the tank and they are now growing and doing fantastic.
I was talking to Ralph (fragGuy) this morning and he suggest that it is good practice when you have corals to break some pieces and just plant them in different places of your tank for insurance purpose, I think I am going to start doing this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8687270#post8687270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
yep birdsnest and Ichanged the position

yeah, I remember I tried to move the coral around as well but unfortunately when sps's start RTNning they seldom stop. My colony died in about two days