Fruit loops!


New member
Second post today! I got a few small polyps of fruit loops (which look awesome) and i currently have them under an 8 watt nuvo light. Are these slow growers? I would love to see these spread. I'll try and get a picture up later.


I've had 1 new polyp in 2 months on a frag I just got...however it was also cut the day before I bought it. I'm expecting it to pick up and they are awesome!
I have some in my tank and they seem to be fairly fast growers compared to others I have. Once you get a small colony going they really look great in a tank.

This picture is of my frag with about 15 it has around 22
As long as parameters are stable, good lighting and no predators, Z's and P's do start getting good growth ( IN GENERAL ) once they stabilize in your tank.
Yeah, my red people eaters have really taken off in the last month. The only thing i don't expect growth from are my rastas. They're only in there temporarily.
I never had luck with these guys in the past. They'd be doing just fine and all the sudden they would melt on me. Happened three different times to me but I'd still give them another shot for sure. One of my favorite zoas.
I never had luck with these guys in the past. They'd be doing just fine and all the sudden they would melt on me. Happened three different times to me but I'd still give them another shot for sure. One of my favorite zoas.

They're one of the most random zoas I've ever dealt with too.
I had a 50 polyp frag, cut them into 5 head frags. lost 2 sets of them, sold 7. I let all of them heal in my tank for 2 weeks before I sold them. When they went into someone else's tank it was like 3days of healthy extension and next thing you know bam, gone.

As for growth, my 5 polyp head is currently 12 heads. They're slower than some of the other zoas I've dealt with, but I think in general they're okay growers. Faster than hornets though
^ haha I just saw that!
Funniest part is ihigh doesn't mean for it to be "high"
my name is hai, which is pronounced hi/high so "ihigh" like iPOD, ising, etc. creative? not!
I have heard so many mixed things about these zoas i don't know what to think. I would post a picture if i knew how to.