FS: 1/6hp Chiller


New member
FS: 1/6hp Chiller $200

Good Working Order

Here is the Pic:


Local Pickup in Miami only
Its a 1/6 horsepower, I think its good up to about 90 gal but it also depends on the temp in the tank room.

Thanks for the interest.
I was actually looking for Adrian. He asked me if I thought this would be good for him. I told him that I didn't think so. Now I know so.

He's setting up a 210 in a room with no AC vents. Didn't realize the no AC vents till today. I was going to recommend a 1/4 HP but now I'm thinking he may even need like a 1/2 HP.
i think i have one just like that but it is not a drop in and i dont know ho makes it or anything but it looks just like that. How did you find the name and model on it, maybe mine is hidden.
its aquanetics adic 1 1/6hp drop in, it uses 134a freon, aquanetics are no longer made, either merge or took over by aqualogic industries... hope that helps..