FS: 1" SC Orange Passion Frags $50


Active member
I have five tips all about 1" that I need to cut off before they reach neighboring colonies. $50/each

I also have many other SPS colonies I can frag.
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That colony looks better every time I see it!
My OP frag I got from you is growing nicely,
It's probably 3 times the size from when I got it!
That colony is amazing! It should be said that your photo taking skills are top-notch as well! I find it tough to take good pics of the tank, although it could just be that my tank looks bad. idk
That colony looks better every time I see it!
My OP frag I got from you is growing nicely,
It's probably 3 times the size from when I got it!

Thanks. Yes it seems to be a pretty fast grower.

That colony is amazing! It should be said that your photo taking skills are top-notch as well! I find it tough to take good pics of the tank, although it could just be that my tank looks bad. idk

The iPhones have a pretty good camera.

Very Nice!!
Thank you.
Do you think you'll be able to put together any frag packs after the holidays? I doubt you'll have any of these beauties left though :(