FS 165 Gallon Complete Setup


New member
Because of limited time I have decided to sell my reef system. This is a turn-key system everything included.
-165 gallon aquarium Starfire glass on three sides black background single center overflow built by Great Lakes Aquariums (L 72xW 24xH 22)
-36" tall solid oak stand also build by Great Lakes Aquariums
-40 gallon breeder sump
-3 Aquaillumination Hydra led lights
-Aquaillumination controller
- Aquaillumination hanging kit
-Maxspect Gyre XF150
-Reef Octopus water blaster HY3000W Return Pump
-Reef Octopus Diablo DCS200INT Skimmer with brand new pump
-Hydor 400 watt heater
-Hydor 300 watt heater
- Misc. food and supplies
-2 Snowflake Clowns
-1 Yellow Tang
-1 Cleaner Wrasse
-1 Pygmy Angel
-2 Female Redheaded Fairy Wrasse
-1 Male Redheaded Fairy Wrasse
- 200 Plus pounds live rock
- Almost all the corals in the pictures included too many to list Softies LPS SPS Mushrooms. (corals in right corner on rack and couple in sand are not included at this price.
This is a great setup everything included to have a successful tank.
Asking $2000
Located in Erie, PA
Could possibly help with transport.

If you split up I would take the tank and stand

you would probably make out a lot better if you split up