New member
I would like to sell my 260 gallon (84x28x24) LeeMar glass tank and stand and accessories. It is a custom predrilled tank that was built to be a peninsula tank(over flow is at the right end) between 2 rooms up against a half wall. It has a 36" high black stand with cabinet doors on the side facing out, the right side is open to allow the sump to be removed and is against a wall. I have a hanging T5 light system, a Hammerhead closed loop pump, a dart return pump and a 110 gallon sump with a ASM G4x skimmer. Also have Typhoon 3 stage RO system for top off. Its currently running as a FOWLR but was set up previously as a reef tank. Anyone in the market? I'm flexible on price somewhat but don't want to just give it away either. I spent around $4500 on the system new plus all the plumbing, LR and fish. You can come look or I can text or email pictures if you're interested, never have had much luck posting them on here. Thanks.