FS: all live stock and corals. $190


New member
Getting out of hobby need everything gone asap. parting both my tanks starting with the livestock. I don't have time to make a list right now but ill name a few just to get someone excited if you contact me we can work on the list. need all lifestock gone to one buyer so price is firm for everything.

1 long spine sear urchin

black and white clown fish

orange clown fish

1 large cardinal

1 small cardinal

1 royal gama

1 medium leather coral

lots of xenias

2 rose bubble tip anemones

8 different kind of zoa colonies and about 6 different frags

I cant remember the names of the zoas and corals but trust me for the prices its a steal let my loss go to someone good. im not here to make money im here to let my hobby go to a good home because I no longer have time.

7864458834 shoot me a text ill try to reply as fast as possible because of work.
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