Active member
For sale Cad lights 18G mini series, starfire glass(does have some scratches) , white stand, LED lights with. Will not part out!!!!!
*2Ecoxotic stunner strips for more color, blue and majenta
*Reef keeper lite,DC4,temp probe
*Remora hob skimmer
*2 nano koralias ,one is newer controllable
*Jager heater
*Live sand ,20 #'s of live rock
*pair of clownfish
*red mushroom rock
*Duncans 7plus heads
*kenia tree frag
*will include food,1- 5 gallon jug,test kit not used much, etc.
$400 for everything...Will not part out,bring own containers.
Located in North Hollywood (818)903-6632
*2Ecoxotic stunner strips for more color, blue and majenta
*Reef keeper lite,DC4,temp probe
*Remora hob skimmer
*2 nano koralias ,one is newer controllable
*Jager heater
*Live sand ,20 #'s of live rock
*pair of clownfish
*red mushroom rock
*Duncans 7plus heads
*kenia tree frag
*will include food,1- 5 gallon jug,test kit not used much, etc.
$400 for everything...Will not part out,bring own containers.
Located in North Hollywood (818)903-6632