FS: complete 42G bowfront system - Lansdale, PA


New member
It is with a heavy heart that I offer our tank for sale, it just doesn't make sense for us to keep it for the next few years :(

System is about 2.5 years old

I'm sure I'll remember some things, but here goes:

46G bowfront tank
Custom built Stand and canopy
175W mogul base Metal halide retrofit, electronic ballast
~20G sump/refugium
various powerheads, overflows, skimmers, ATO, timers, etc
about 100# of rock, 50# was base rock 50# was TBS aquacultured gulf rock - lots of corals growing on the TBS rock still
big colony of orange zoanthids i grew from three polyps (thanks birdlady!)
lots of a soft coral that grows like weeds
another frag or two I collected over the years
GSM clown (my baby)
royal gramma
sailfin blenny
skunk cleaner shrimp
big serpent star
there is a pistol shrimp that lives in the rocks somewhere
the usual snails, hermits, etc.

as i'm sure everyone can tell, i have a few thousand dollars invested, I'd like to see $500 for the entire system. forgot to mention, i'll include my Typhoon III RO/DI system - needs new filters, and the FW holding bin i constructed.

we do have flatworms, so I would suggest a FW dipi then a dip in FW eXit while moving everything. We also have been fighting a nasty outbreak of hair algae, so be aware of that.

Also, the doors on the stand don't fit real well, If i were to keep it I would probably rebuild them as a panel that looked like doors and was removable instead of actual doors.

anyway, here are some pictures, they are old but pretty much sum things up.





The GSM is the misbar on the right - this picture is two years old, the gold in her stripes has filled in nicely since then


if anyone is interested in any more pictures, please let me know.
updated pics:



and a bunch of other stuff I have on hand that will go with it:



another skimmer: