FS corals


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
If anyone wants to buy something I will be going to the meeting tomorrow night. They must be paid for in order for me to bring them.

ATL Christmas mirabilis
mother colony

True color is more like the mother colony.
40.00 for the bottom right and the top left and middle. 30.00 for the others.
These are some very nice sized frags.


ORA Red Planet

Top frag behind largest piece is 30.00. There are 2 pieces glued on the plug, but you can’t see the other one.
Largest piece in the center I am still going to frag several pieces before I sell that one.
Frag down a little and right of the big one and frag just to the lower left are 30.00.
Bottom two are 35.00. Large piece in upper left is not for sale.


ORA Hawkins echinata

25.00 and 60.00

mother colony

frags 25.00 each

Acan rotundaflora
4 smaller ones are 20.00 and 2 larger ones are 45.00

Kryptonite Candy Canes
5.00 a head or 3 heads for 10.00
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ATL Christmas mirabilis
bottom right and top middle

ORA Red Planet
bottom left and bottom right
I will be bringing all of these to the swap. My led light holder is painted light green. I will also hang so ribbons on it.
Here is what is left.

Several of the ORA Red Planet and ATL Christmas mirabilis
The smaller ORA Hawkins echinata
3 psammacora
1 large and 3 small acan rotundraflora
2 smaller Kryptonite Candy Canes