FS: fairly new equipment - getting out of hobby for a while


New member
1. 48" Aqualight Advanced. 2 x 150w 20,000K HQI. Used only 1 month. $400

2. Corallife Super Skimmer 125. Needlewheel style. Works great on my 90 gallon. Used only one month. $100

3. Seio 820. Used only one month. $40

4. Medium size 18" CPR Refugium. Comes with pump, lightw/ acrylic stands, mineral mud (brand new mud), liverock rubble. One year old. $75

5. 20 gallon long tank used as sump with a DIY box for mechanical/chemical filtration. $30

6. Corallife Aqualight 2 x 65w. One 10,000K, One Actinic. Bulbs have 3 months on them, fixture is one year old. $60

Location: Wilmington, DE
PM for any other info
no pics . sorry, its kinda blocked by the center brace of my stand. Its a rubbermaid bin that I drilled holes in the bottom, tied pvc to hold it up along the edge of the trim of the tank and drilled a hole for elbow that water enters into. Its very simple, but works great.
sorry, its hangin on the back of the tank still. cant get any pics. it looks just like the ones in all the other pictures though.
Hey jamie, you say you are getting out of the hobby. Are you taking down the 90 gallon? tank you just set up? Just curious.
Sorry to hear jamie. Goodluck with the freshwater, your other tank looked nice so i don't think that should be a problem. What are your plans for the livestock?
1. 48" Aqualight Advanced. 2 x 150w 20,000K HQI. Used only 1 month. $400 - pending sale

2. Corallife Super Skimmer 125. Needlewheel style. Works great on my 90 gallon. Used only one month. $100 - pending sale

3. Seio 820. Used only one month. $40 - sold

4. Medium size 18" CPR Refugium. Comes with pump, lightw/ acrylic stands, mineral mud (brand new mud), liverock rubble. One year old. $75 - pending sale

5. 20 gallon long tank used as sump with a DIY box for mechanical/chemical filtration. $30 - still available

6. Corallife Aqualight 2 x 65w. One 10,000K, One Actinic. Bulbs have 3 months on them, fixture is one year old. $60 - pending sale
Yeah I am, I remember you had a few nice pieces in there.

And just out of curiosity what is happening with the small tank you had in the kitchen?
1. 48" Aqualight Advanced. 2 x 150w 20,000K HQI. Used only 1 month. $400 - still available

2. Corallife Super Skimmer 125. Needlewheel style. Works great on my 90 gallon. Used only one month. $100 - still available

3. Medium size 18" CPR Refugium. Comes with pump, lightw/ acrylic stands, mineral mud (brand new mud), liverock rubble. One year old. $75 - still available

4. 20 gallon long tank used as sump with a DIY box for mechanical/chemical filtration. $30 - pending sale