FS: frags in Concord.


New member
I have following frags for sale (or trade).
1. Mystic Sunset montipora (red with purple polyps. Have colony for sale! Best deal ever.)
2. Starburst montipora (orange with yellow polyps. Coral has temper. Colony for sale!)
3. Setosa montipora (always keeps color! Slow grower :( )
4. Green with yellow polyps chalice (Can sale/trade colony!).
5. Meteor Shower (Cyphastrea)
6. Green Button Polyps (free with any purchase :))
7. Tubbs blue zoa (15$ per frag with multiple p.)
8 . Rainbow monti montipora (needs to grow up or/and down to be rainbow. Kinda moody coral.).
9 . Tyree Undata (super cool! limited frags).
10. Purple mist montipora (keeps purple well)
11. Red monti cap. (colony for sale! :)).
12. Tricolor acro.
13. Jedi mind trick montipora (really cool monti).
14. ORA - Kelly Green Psammocora (super green :) Slow grower :( )
15. Captain america paly.
16. ASD Skittles chalice (limited).
17. Pink Sand Dollar Montipora.
18. Bird of Paradise Seriatopora (few small frags).
19. Appleberry Monti (super limited :( Slow gower :( )
20. Yellow Polyp Scroll Coral. Really nice when fully open.

I could forget something... (check the pictures below).
all frags 15-30$ depends on size and how many I have left. Good discount for multiple frags.
Colonies (4-12'') - 100$

Can trade for other common frags. Most of frags will be fresh cut from colony. If you want frags mounted - it's going to be special order... :).

You can see the pictures for some corals in my old thread http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2490944

And here is newer pictures.

PM is a key please!
PS. Sorry for (possible) delay on PMs. I'll try to check daily.
