FS/FT: Large Live Rock w/ Corals


Registered Reefer
I just redid the aquascaping on my tank and I got rid of this very large piece of Live Rock. It is pretty heavy, I'd say about 30+ lbs.
I couldn't take off some of the corals so I left them on there and it's in a bucket of water with a power head at the moment.
The rock has incredible hulk zoas and another small colony of zoas that I don't know the name. Also, a Bonsai Acro colony was beginning to spread on it and I broke off the bigger piece, xenias and a piece of red monti cap on it.
There MIGHT be a six line wrasse stuck somewhere in it because I can't find it at the moment.
-Looking to get $100 for this rock.

I also have another smaller rock about 5-8 lbs that has a small kenya branch on it.
-Free to whoever takes the other rock.

Willing to trade for corals as well if anyone has anything they want to trade, nothing common please.. SPS, High End Zoas, chalices, etc.


Not in the post?? Can't see any of the corals on it since I took a picture of it outside the tank.
^^ I'll definitely post up a picture of my tank soon.
Unfortunately I neglected it during december (was going for 3 weeks) and I lost a few corals, few of the sps i actually got from you. Also had an algae outbreak that I am still working on..