FS/FT live rock for $2 lb


Reefer Enthusiast
yea, its not really the rock i am looking for, its haitian carribean rock. i bought it for more and i kinda would like a diffrent kind. if someone wants to buy the whole batch for $200 (100 lbs) or trade me some fiji rock (or something pacific) then id like to work something out.
how about 50lbs pacific and 50 lbs dry rock for trade?

the rock is cure and has many ledges and is very porish (if thats a word). there are a few rocks that are really nice and i was thinking about not selling them but later thought its better for the deal to give all the rock, even the cool looking ones.

let me know if you're interested.


Aaron, I would love to see what you have. I wont be able to go till friday morning or late tomorrow or thursday night. LMK By the way, how's work?
rock is sold, thanks mike

steve, work is strait, not sure how much longer ill last though, ill let you know if i change my mind about the cheese cake factory