FS: haddoni nems, clam, indo grn torch, elegance, red goni


Resident Wise Guy
My experiment of carpets in the fuge didnt work because i dont get to enjoy them down inside the stand so they gotta go.

Other corals gotta go because i have 2 of each.

Its fcfs, no shipping, pickup pasadena ca 91101 or can meet in surrounding cities. Paypal to hold. Only trade i am looking for is wwc biohazard bounce or jersey bounce

1. Pink haddoni/carpet nem $550

2. Purple haddoni/carpet nem $250

3. Maxima clam (with me over 1 yr) 2.5 inches and super blue SOLD!

4. Gold/yellow tip aussie elegance w atleast 6 mouths and can be fragged into 3 pieces $300

5. Red fungia plate 2.5 inches $80

6. Red goni with a few white tips $80

7. Indo green torch w pink tips 2 heads starting to split into 3 heads SOLD!
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Im interested in the purple nem , might be able to come friday if your available
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Purple carpet SOLD to Sberman

Last 2 pieces available:

Pink haddoni/carpet nem $450 (i paid $700 for this beauty)

Red goni/flowerpot $60 (coral looks nicer in person, picture is washed out)
Good guy to buy from . Anem is healthy and happy . Will buy from again
Thanks again

Nice meeting you Scott. Thanks for the kind words and glad to see the nem has settled in nicely already. Take care and hopefully see you soon :thumbsup:
Thanks again

Thank you Scott. Glad both of these special animals went to someone with so much knowledge of them and their special care needs. It was nice chatting outside rainbow pet. Hope ur wife didnt mind waiting all that time. :wave:
Thanks nice chatting with and hearing your plans . Take your time and go slow best advise i can give you . My wife was fine she was surprised i didnt talk longer
Not quite ready for anything, but good to see a local reefer (I'm in South Pas). Hopefully sooner than later I'll be ready to stock a little more in my tank!