FS: Hammer and meteor shower frags


New member
My son threw a knife in my tank and fragged my hammer colony. It has 3 heads but one is splitting so let's call it 3.5 heads. $25. It's from the mother colony at the bottom. Purple tips and electric base that glows under LEDs.

Also a meteor shower cyphastrea. Greenish base and reddish polyps, or so I'm told. Looks one colr to me, LOL! $20

Can probably frag m birdsnest colonies for $10 for smallish frag. Thanks:wave:
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Tank looks SWEET Rovster. How do you keep that GSP around the Birdsnest under control?

Ive struggled keeping GSP at bay for years. I thought it was gone, but now its coming back in a corner of my tank.
Tank looks SWEET Rovster. How do you keep that GSP around the Birdsnest under control?

Ive struggled keeping GSP at bay for years. I thought it was gone, but now its coming back in a corner of my tank.

Thanks E. actually, that combo,came out of necessity. I actually got the idea from a book that had a clam on what looked like a field of GSP. Basically I mounted it so the plug the birdsnest was on was elevated off the GSP. The GSP would have to grow up and underneath the plug to get to the birdsnest. No light there, so it doesn't grow. Also, as the birdsnest grew, it shaded where the GSP meets the area where the plug is mounted. Kind of worked out. Looks kinda cool, so I left it there. I've had ideas of doing the same with encrusting montis or cyphastreas when I get my big tank running.

Here is a pic early on.....

It's like the birdsnest is on a floating platform. Hope that makes sense:hmm5:
The cyphastrea might be the branching type, I would keep it and see what happens. $$$

It's not. Looks nubby because it engulfed a zoa colony. Was growing up the stalks of the zoa choking them out. Eventually, the meteor shower won:uhoh2: