Fs high end acro frags


New member
Hello all giving you guys a sneak peak at this insane acro that's taken almost 10 years to grow and it's now finally ready to frag straight from the garden :cool: literally:clown: white rhino frags starting from .01 to .10...... that's cents for you deep pocket spenders out there. Some come with macro algae attached to the plug.......... happy Monday!!!!!


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For s very short period I had an excess of white rhinos, unfortunately that isn't the car anymore....
Oh man, I must be rich! I have colonies of white rhino growing (grown) around my house from my last tank.

I still can't tell if it's a perversion, or a sign of genuine "artistic" appreciation that my mom kept all of my dead acro colonies as decorations around the house after my tank crashed :(
If you can hold them for a few weeks, deliver them and charge me half price, I'll take one. But I'll have to let you know...
If you can hold them for a few weeks, deliver them and charge me half price, I'll take one. But I'll have to let you know...

K if you can cover PayPal fees which will cost more than the coral and shipping to your zip code will probably be 40.00 rofl
The thing I like about them they do good out of water also. I have some really large colonies around the house.